Saturday, July 01, 2006

A subtle hint

This morning I slept late. Woke up with the intention of going into the nearby town, which has a small hardware store, for a 3/16" brad-point drill bit.

Went out to start the generator. Usually I do that around 4am. Last night I had left a plastic gas can near the generator with around 4 gallons of gas left in it.

This morning that gas can was laying on its side, empty. It had marks on the top, made by either teeth or claws. Something -- perhaps the bear, maybe a lion, who can know -- had bitten or clawed into it. Probably trying to get at water, it's been too dry here. So about 4 gallons of gas had spilled onto the ground. Looking around a little, I found that whatever it was had also bit into another of my gas cans, but this one remained upright.

So we're down 4 gallons of gas and 2 plastic gas cans. That'll cost about $25 to replace.

I'm sitting here wondering if I should replace it. I can keep fighting the battle, replace the cans and hope whatever it was has learned there's no water inside, keep doing my best to make pipes that will sit on the website. Or I can call it quits and go somewhere more civilized, get a job that pays enough to live on perhaps.

Something to ponder this morning, ain't we got fun.


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