Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Shapin' for da bin

Today I spent most of the day trying to shape a block into something that resembled a pipe. Since the bandsaw has been out of commission I've been doing more work before boring, and it seems to help, maybe. Or, not. At first glance the block I shaped and shaped and shaped today looked like it was a throwaway, unless it possibly had a pickaxe in it -- not my favorite shape. After working on the thing, it turns out that I was right, it was a throwaway.

Good day though, strangely enough, as an idea snuck up on me that should save me a lot of work later on.

After posting about my troubles with our Dell laptop, I received an email from a colleague who has also had problems with Dells. Then this afternoon I ran across this, which brought a big laugh: exploding laptop


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