Friday, July 14, 2006

Alien landscape

I did not work in the shop again today. Yesterday I woke with a sharp pain in the left side of my head, I now wonder if it was a small stroke. We drove into town to ship pipe 92 and buy a few groceries.

As we drove through town, it took on a very alien appearance. All the business, bright colored signs shouting "Come In Here!" and "Buy Something!" with different wordings, the signs were everywhere. The cars were everywhere. People were everywhere. It was all about money. Grasping, shoving, feeding for it. It felt like being on another planet, but it was our own Earth.

I was glad to get back onto the mountain. I took a nap this afternoon, though the temperature was only about 60F outside it was very pleasant, the thin mountain air lets the sun beat through. Of course when we returned from town, the inside of the trailer was about 90F because it had been shut up during our absence.

I must have slept for 3 hours. I felt better when I woke up. My head hurts less, whatever it was seems to be healing itself.

Perhaps I am simply overtired again. I do tend to go in cycles. I'll be getting up at 3-4am and working on software until around 8, then going to the shop to work to around 7:30pm, then have dinner and go to bed around 9pm to do it over again. When I complete a pipe there is a release of tension, if it does not sell that turns into depression because things financial are difficult.

Sometimes I recognize fatigue. Usually I don't. Outside tonight there is a cool breeze and a nice sunset lighting the clouds to the west. Everything seems different somehow. I suspect it is largely because I am not so tired now. When I am tired I need to wear glasses to read the text on my computer, but when I am rested the glasses are unnecessary.

At the moment I'm reading without glasses for the first time in some weeks.

Tomorrow will be different than today, somehow.


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