Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Probably no future

Pipe #92 is spoken for, paid for in advance many months ago.

It is time to begin on the Belge. But I am puzzling over whether it is worth the effort. The tobacco chamber on that stummel is twenty thousandths of an inch lower than the airway. Trivial, not nearly enough to prevent it from being a world class smoker, little enough that bottom cake will quickly eradicate the imperfection. But not perfect. Shall I turn it into a quick Blackwood? The Blackwood line does not promise to be any kind of solution. Pipe #89 is priced at a ridiculously low amount considering all things, even if its stem is less than I would have it be.

I had hoped that another pipe, #87 or #91 would sell, so that I could pull #89 and smoke it myself. Another smoker asked me if I smoked a Blackwood pipe, and I was embarassed to admit that I have none in my personal collection, simply because I have not been able to take one for myself.

It had been my hope that the Blackwood line would be met with more enthusiasm. Granted most will prefer a smooth stem, but the stem can be replaced for a low cost and the result will still be an outstanding smoker. I could have chosen to make a lower priced line with factory stems. But because of the stench of sulphur present when working any kind of vulcanite I will not touch it with a stick, and acrylic is an open invitaiton to breakage. A quick polycarbonate stem with good internals is much better in my opinion.

A year ago I was hearing comments from people who said they were waiting for a partically rusticated pipe, yet now two partically rusticated pipes sit unwanted.

At the moment enough gasoline remains to power the generator, thus my shop, for another 2-3 days. There is little money, about enough to ship pipe 92 overseas, or to buy another 3 days of gasoline.

Before making the Belge, I should make a new smoke outlet forming tool, the one that I have could be much improved and a stem will be needed for the Belge as its first order of business.

Can I spend the remaining time making the Belge, or should I work on something besides making pipes? The market for my pipes seems indifferent at best.

People have said to me, "I don't see you having any problem selling pipes, there are only 2 on your site!" They do not understand that my only income comes from selling pipes, so 2 pipes sitting unwanted represents in some cases as much as a month without income.

I will work on something other than pipes today. I can not continue to spend the time and effort to make pipes for an indifferent market.


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